ACME Iron and Metal, Inc. (“ACME”) is committed to the reduction of personal injuries, occupational illnesses and damage to equipment and property in all of its operations; to the protection of our surrounding communities, neighborhoods, and to the general public whenever it comes in contact with the Company’s work and to the prevention of pollution and environmental degradation.
Company management and field supervision must plan safety into each work task in order to avoid preventable occupational injuries and/or illnesses. The ultimate success of ACME’s Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health programs depends upon the full cooperation of each individual employee. Management is responsible and will be held accountable to see that applicable rules and procedures are established and enforced in addition to ensuring that effective training programs are employed.
We will integrate environmental considerations into our business planning and decision-making processes, including project research, development, planning, design, and construction. Our continuous environmental improvement goals include pollution prevention and resource conservation. We require our contractors and sub-contractors to adopt environmental standards, ethics, and policies similar to our own.
Environmental protection, safety, and occupational health must never be sacrificed in an emphasis for production. These elements are integral parts of quality control, cost reduction and job efficiency, which result in optimum productivity. Each supervisor must be personally concerned with the performance, relating to these elements, demonstrated by the employees under his or her supervision.
ACME has an outstanding environmental, safety, and health record and is proud of its achievements in protecting the environment we live and work in, as well as its pro-active approach to accident prevention. However, to maintain that record, every ACME employee must take personal responsibility to create and maintain a safe and productive working environment.
The Company’s objective is the elimination of all preventable accidents and environmental incidents from our operations. There are four sound reasons for this:
- The elimination of human suffering, due to disabling injury or loss of life, is a worthwhile goal in itself and one we all must strive to achieve.
- A good environmental, safety, and health record indicates superior management and superior workforce; it promotes business and contributes to the continuing growth and success of the Company.
- Meet or exceed all applicable environmental requirements for all ACME activities, products, and services including legal requirements, standards, and voluntary commitments to which ACME subscribes.
- Proactively protect the environment through the use of sustainable business practices and processes that minimize health and safety risks, mitigate ACME’s climate change impact, improve the energy efficiency of ACME’s operations and products, minimize waste and prevent pollution and ensure responsible safe disposal of waste.
ACME’s management at every level is responsible and accountable for translating this Company objective into positive, productive actions.