A recycled aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for three hours.
If all the aluminum cans in the United States were recycled there would be 14 million fewer dustbins annually.
Recycling 1KG of aluminum saves up to 6KG of bauxite, 4KG of chemical products, and 14 kWh of electricity.
Each household in the United States uses approximately 600 steel cans per year.
The recycling rate of steel packaging is 46.
Recycling one ton of steel scrap saves more than 80% of the CO2 emissions produced when making steel from iron ore.
Recycling seven steel cans saves enough energy to power a 60 watt lightbulb for 26 hours.
Every year the United States saves enough energy to supply Los Angeles with nearly a decade’s worth of electricity, by recycling steel.
Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy used to make the material from scratch. This means 20 cans could be made out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make one can out of new material. Energy savings in 2007 were enough to light a city the size of Detroit for eight years.
$15.7 Billion worth of scrap commodities were exported in 2007.
Scrap metal was the second largest export to China in dollar value in 2007.
American throw away (dispose, not recycle) enough aluminum every month to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.
Americans throw away (dispose, not recycle) enough iron and steel to supply all the nation’s automakers on a continuous basis.
A steel mill that recycles scrap reduces related water pollution, air pollutions, and mining wastes by about 70%.
When you toss out one aluminum can you waste as much energy as if you filled the same can half full with gasoline, and just threw it on the ground.
The 36 billion aluminum cans landfilled last year had a scrap value of 600 million dollars.
Making cans from recycled aluminum cuts air related pollution by 95%.